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5 Small Every Day Steps to Become Eco-Friendly

5 Small Every Day Steps to Become Eco-Friendly

Environmental hazards have been increasing day by day. It has become a necessity to do everything we can to save the environment from all man created issues. Government sand many NGOs have been continuously working for the betterment of the ecosystem - countless save the environmental movements and parades have been carried out and a lot of trees have been planted as well. While a lot of big measures have been taken to nurse Mother Nature back to health, a lot of common people are still not able to participate with their full might in these events and workshops. Whilst everyone may not have exclusive access to all places and proceedings, there are plenty of things that can be done while sittings at home. Here are the top 5 things you can do daily to save the environment.

Say ‘Absolutely’ No to Plastic

Plastic is like a disease to the ecosystem as it not biodegradable and harms the environment. Most plastic items manufactured are made by chlorinated plastic which releases harmful chemicals making the soil less fertile. The plastic thrown in water bodies harms the aquatic animals and kills the corals as well- all in all, plastic is everywhere and it is destructive in every way possible. Denying plastic: we should opt for biodegradable products that do not emit any sort of chemicals in the environment keeping the ecosystem healthy such as clothe and jute bags instead of plastic bags, etc.

Go Vegan

Livestock farming is one of the biggest contributors to the production of greenhouse gases with a share of 18% approximately. It leads to land and water degradation, coral reef degradation, acid rain, etc, - all ultimately affecting the overall health of the environment. Livestock rearing is counted among the top 5 causes of environmental degradation all over the world. Consuming vegan products is a great way to pay back the ecosystem for all that it does for us. Less meat consumption would mean livestock farming will have to be reduced.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Not an alien concept, adapting the big three R is a great way to reduce waste and make better use out of the items one owns. Reduce means not buying the items you don’t need or the unnecessary packaging that they come in. Reuse the items that can be used such as utensils, etc.  Recycling the used products instead of synthesizing fresh units is the last step. This is a rather small everyday thing to do but it makes a very big difference in the long run.

Minimal Air Conditioning

Releasing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), air conditioners are the top cause of increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the environment. The refrigerant used in most air conditioner produces ammonia long with CFCs and depletes the ozone layer which protects the earth from the harmful UV rays. Depleting the ozone layer means increased global warming. The heating of the earth's surface increases the temperature and inspires more usage of ACs in turn. Breaking away from this cycle and using less air conditioning every day is the biggest contribution we can make. Increasing the use of fans and air coolers is a better option which keeps you cool in the summers and does not harm the ozone either.

Eco-Friendly Everyday Products

Often unnoticed, the daily use of products in our homes such as house cleaners, stain removers, dishwashers, etc. contains very harmful products and causes the same amount of destruction as plastic. These products have chlorine bleach and ammonia to clean and disinfect homes. Using citrus-based formulas instead does the job with the same perfection and proves safer for the environment as well. Eco-friendly products such as Ecozone Mangoball washer, Earth Friendly stain remover, Kirlock cleaner, etc. have citrus-cased solvents, vinegar, essential oils and natural abrasives to do a thorough cleaning job while being easy on the environment.