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Babease Organic Beef Ragu 7m+ 130g x 6

Sale price£8.23 Regular price£10.50

Babease Organic Beef Ragu 7m+ 130g x 6 Product Description: Babease Organic Beef Ragu is a nourishing classic dish of lusciously slow cooked beef with spelt pasta and sweet potato. This deliciously textured meal is packed with nutrient-rich veg, Italian herbs, and a grating of Parmesan. We believe that introducing your little one to amazing tastes and textures at an early age is the best way to raise healthy, adventurous eaters. We make food for babies not baby food. Food is exciting. Theres no reason why baby food shouldnt be either. Thats why our food is made by a chef called Tom - he happens to be our founder. Stage 2 introduces textures with thicker purees and a wider spectrum of flavours, starting at around 7 months (or as early as 6). However, every baby is unique, so be guided by your instincts and your health care professional. Ingredients: Beef (20%), Tomatoes (20%), Cooked Wholegrain SPELT Pasta (18%), Sweet potato (14%), Vegetable Stock (Water*, Leek, Parsnip, Carrot, Mushroom, Turmeric, Herbs and Spices) (9%), Onions (7%), Carrots (7%), Garlic, Tomato puree, Basil, Rapeseed oil, Parmesan Cheese (MILK), Rosemary, Black pepper, Fennel seeds (* non-organic)