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Smooze Mango Fruit Ice (65mlx5) x 6

Sale price£12.98 Regular price£17.94

Unlike other frozen treats our ingredients dont come from a mad scientists lab! Quite simply, Smooze is made with freshly pressed coconut milk, real fruit juices, and fruit purees not concentrates or reconstituted juices. Why dont we use reconstituted juices or concentrates? Smooze is made from pure juices and purees, never concentrates or reconstituted juices; you can taste the freshness and naturally, fresh ingedients are far healthier for you than heated up-cooled down-dehydrated-rehydrated, factory-made concentrates! We then add the following all-natural ingredients: Fruit Pectin: a natural dietary fibre found in a variety of fruits, which assists the blending of the juices & purees with the coconut milk Citric acid: found in citrus fruits and acts as a natural preservative and gives Smooze a natural fruity tang Ascorbic acid: a natural preservative otherwise known as Vitamin C Natural fruit flavours: all straight from nature Cane sugar: Smooze has on average 40% less sugar than other frozen treats. It is also worth noting that the sugars listed in the nutrition panel also include the naturally-occurring fruit sugars (fructose) from the fruit juices and purees Smooze is 100% vegan and free from: Artificial colours & flavours Preservatives Dairy Gluten Cholesterol GM trans fats Smooze is also Halal & Kosher certified Nutrition panels for all Smooze flavours Does Smooze effect cholesterol levels? Well, to begin with, Smooze is 100% cholesterol free! Years ago we all thought fats were bad for us, even olive oil; but science has gone on to prove that, in fact, some fats are essential to human health; omega 3 and omega 6 oils come under this category. Unfortunately, there is still a general misconception that coconut milk is bad for you because it was believed to raise blood cholesterol and contribute to heart disease. The only proof of this association is one forty-year-old study that used highly processed and modified coconut oil. Widespread studies of coconut-consuming populations have found there is no direct link to high cholesterol or heart disease and studies on coconut oil indicate there is no need to avoid coconut products provided they are processed correctly. If youre a bit technically minded then you may enjoy reading these scientific summaries on coconut oil. What about the saturated fats in coconuts? Leading scientists now recognise that just as there is a beneficial form of cholesterol known as HDL, there are also better structures of saturated fats. Short and medium-chain fats, such as those found in coconut milk, are easily digested, metabolised and quickly converted into energy by the liver; theres almost zero opportunity to be stored in the body as fat. Well known dietitian, Dr Joanna McMillan has confirmed that the saturated fat found in coconut milk, once considered unhealthy, is now recognised as a favourable type of fat. Coconut milk contains medium chain triglycerides; good fats that do not raise cholesterol and are used by the body as a preferred source of energy. This means that Smooze offers health-conscious consumers a creamy-textured, ice cream substitute thats lower in fat and legitimately healthier than dairy-based treats. For more information visit Joannas blog posting on coconut oil Smooze Vs Ice cream? Smooze is a magnificent, creamy, portion-controlled, dairy-free indulgence that contains significantly less fat, sugar and kilojoules per gram than vanilla ice cream . . .and, lets face it, who stops at one scoop of ice cream?!100% natural, made with real fruit juices and pureesGluten freeDairy freeVeganKosher certified OK